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  • The Center of Creative Thinking

GIZ has trained 19 mediators to help people come to terms with the past and to recognise and manage emerging conflicts in good time. The teams each consist of a respected personality from the subject village as well as two men and two women from among the long-term residents and newcomers to the communities. Do not send any information or documents that you want to have treated as secret or confidential. Providing information to McDermott via email links on this website or other introductory email communications will not create an attorney-client relationship; will not preclude McDermott from representing any other person or firm in any matter; and will not obligate McDermott to keep confidential.

Anatoliy Arlashin


The work of the “Center for Creative Thought”, a school of the “Fourth Way,” began in 1996 immediately after a three-day seminar, devoted to the teaching of Gurdjieff, when the participants of the seminar made the decision to establish a Center for the practical realization of the ideas of the Fourth Way related to the development of consciousness

The “Center for Creative Thought” specializes in developing and testing out various practical methodologies and psycho-techniques based on the ideas of Gurdjieff. Testing of the developed products is carried out jointly with the Institute of Scientific Research of the Brain of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. For an objective control and observation of the functioning of the brains of people undergoing testing, a unique method has been applied, which has been developed and carried out by means of equipment by Doctor of Medical Sciences V.F. Fokin at the Institute of Scientific Research of the Brain. During the time of its work the “Center for Creative Thought” has published in compact disc format twenty two tested and sounded out methodologies of development and, in addition, has presented in audio format over 50 books on the subjects of the Fourth Way and related movements, aimed at raising the spiritual levels and the development of psychological skills of human beings. The director of the “Center for Creative Thought,” Anatoly Arlashin has published the book “The Fourth Way Upwards” devoted to the problems of the Fourth Way.

  • Institute for the Cultivation of Inner States (ICIS)

The Institute for the Cultivation of Inner States (ICIS) is an assemblage of groups and individuals situated in various cities of Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic countries, who have devoted themselves to the work of cultivating inner states.

Basing itself on the ideas and practices of Gurdjieff’s teaching, ICIS is engaged in developing practical methods of work with inner states and stabilizing their achieved results. The idea of “inner states” presents itself as a synonym of Gurdjieff’s concept of “being” and a crucial element in the leading spiritual traditions. Notwithstanding whichever ideas a person associates himself with, and of the methods of self-development which he uses, he inevitably carries within himself a certain inner state, which characterizes his inner formation and the possibility of development.

The Institute for the Cultivation of Inner States is the founder of the International Gurdjieff Club (www.gurdjieffclub.com), the aim of which is to preserve and develop Gurdjieff’s teaching.


The groups of the ICIS hold numerous seminars, practical sessions and round tables, connected with the practices and ideas of self-development. The conventions and seminars of the ICIS are held in Moscow, in the Volga region, in the Northern Caucasus and on the Black Sea coast. On the website of the ICIS it is possible to learn more about these groups’ lengthy experience of work.

The founder and director of the Institute for the Cultivation of Inner States is Arkady Rovner.

  • Russian Center for Gurdjieff Studies also known as Moscow experimental Gurdjieff group

Alan Francis

Our group in Moscow and pupils from other cities in Russia are developing a center for the re-emergence of Gurdjieff’s Work in Russia. We celebrated three years in the Autumn of 2008. I visit Russia 4 times a year for about 6 weeks each visit.

We have weekly group meetings – one time each month we have a talk and discussion open to the public. There are also formal talks on various related subjects. Group Work is solely focused on Mr. Gurdjieff teachings – which continue to unfold as a sometimes stunning but always living system, the only teaching known to be nourished and rooted in the Source of the 4th Way.


It is clear to any real seeker that those who choose a Path must remember two things-the first; we traverse this Path keeping to what is most alive in our heart, in our mind and our body. Secondly,if we become able to drink from living waters of the 4th Way that we will neither imitate, mix-up nor adulterate this direct, life giving influence.

Primary direct influences from Mr. Gurdjieff – include Lord John Pentland, Lady Pentland, Mr Paul Reynard and Dr Michel De Salzmann. Mr. Paul Reynard gave me permission to lead groups and teach in America and Dr. Michel De Salzmann told me that I would be attracting more people to Gurdjieff’s Work and encouraged me to start new centers.


You are welcome to contact us if you have a serious interest in Mr. Gurdjieff’s Work. We are also open to exchange with others who are dedicated to the search for truth.

e-mail: francisalan92(at)yahoo.com

  • Paris Group


Elena Szenicer

Paris Group is an open community of people who aspire to change their quality of being and degree of awareness on the level of everyday life. In order to achieve these goals the group uses the main methods of the Fourth Way, i.e. – divided attention, self-remembering, sacred movements, zikrs and meetings with remarkable men. The group views the establishing and development of cooperation with the seekers of the truth as one of its prinicipal goals.

16 Persoenlichkeiten

The leader of the group, Elena Szenicer, represents the tradition inherited directly from one of the last pupils of Gurdjieff. Elena works mainly in France and the Netherlands and in the last several years she also gives seminars in Russia and Ukraine.




web-site: http://parisgroup.gurdjieffclub.com